Ludi Manipulation Box 4 Games in 1 - 10M+
Vendor: Ludi
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Ludi Manipulation Box 4 Games in 1 - 10M+ :
Explore the box that includes 3 Baby spinners, a pyramid stacking game (made up of 3 colored rings and 1 central rod) and a manipulation cube (a cube decorated with intertwined elastics and 10 colored shapes).
For the 3 Baby spinners, the concept is simple: a push with the hand and the 3 Baby spinners spin on themselves thanks to a ball bearing. The open faces of the cube are connected by stretched elastics, very easy to grasp.
Children develop their dexterity and strength to pass the 10 different shapes through the elastics. By manipulating the cube, they discover that there is a face where the shapes can be fitted in addition to the elastics. For the pyramid, the 3 rings stack in order of size on the central cone-shaped rod. This feature guides the children to sort the rings from largest to smallest in order to stack them correctly.
This stimulates their logical thinking! Grasping, pushing, pulling, sneaking through… This complete set promotes children's grasping skills as well as their logic while enhancing their motor skills.
Dimensions : 12 x 12 x 12 cm