Scoot And Ride Trottinette 2en1 Highwaykick 1 - Kiwi
1,229 dh
1,400 dh
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Product Type: Evolutionary Scooters
Vendor: Scoot And Ride
Award-winning smart 2-in-1 scooter with seat
The Highwaykick 1 is the ideal companion for children aged 1 to 5 years old. It's a 2 in 1 scooter with seat.
No tools needed to adjust the seat height or convert it to a scooter. It grows easily with your little one. Due to its stability, this product offers children the opportunity to move comfortably indoors and outdoors.
The patented safety cushion at the front provides additional safety and prevents rollovers.
Composition : plastic
Dimensions: 57.5 x 17.5 x 26.5 cm
Age : 3 years and up